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Green Belt Certification for High School Students-Maximum Potential

Green Belt Certification for High School Students

One of the advanced, but not the most serious Belts in Lean Six Sigma is the Green Belt. It actually rests between the middle of serious and lightweight – but have you ever thought about what would happen if this certification is handed to high school students?

It is actually a thing, as a matter of fact, we here at Maximum Potential were the brains for Lean Six Sigma in Education – we were the company that revolutionized the Lean Six Sigma Curriculum to be used in high school and we can’t be prouder than that.

What Services Do We Offer?

So, what are the specific Curriculum or Training Programs we offer high school students, you may ask? We offer both the Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt and Green Belt Training and Certification for High School Students – we even offer it via Zoom so they need not go elsewhere to complete training!

They can get the training and certification they need while they’re home!

Green Belt Certification for High School Students

The Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training and Certification we offer for high school students is a collective effort that completely details the basics of Lean Six Sigma, as well as how it can be successfully applied and integrated into a certain or specific business process. Don’t overthink it – what we teach and educate working professionals is the same material we use for the training and the certification of high school students.

We were able to reengineer the Curriculum and the training program for high school students so they are more understandable and they’ll be able to absorb the lectures by heart.

What High School Students Learn From Green Belt Certification

In case you’re wondering what types of lessons and techniques we teach high school students, the training that we provide them include the discussion and the teaching of the following skills and techniques:

  • Problem Solving For Team Leaders
  • Affinity Diagrams
  • Value Streams Analysis
  • Scatter Plot Diagrams
  • Change Management
  • Visual Controls
  • Variation
  • DMAIC Methodology
  • Data Collection
  • Management Presentations
  • And Many More

Benefits of Green Belt Certification for High School Students

At Maximum Potential, we truly maximize and optimize the lectures and the training programs that we offer our high school students. We teach and educate them using the same material we use with professionals but the effects of it are different – because that’s the most important part of Lean Six Sigma Training. For instance, we are training a commercial pilot with Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and we would be giving out real-life scenarios and projects for them. For high school, however, it would be more of like a “school-inclined” type of project.

It’s the same, it’s just that the application is different. Here are some of the benefits of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification for High School Students:

  • They find it easier and more workable to function within a team
  • Their decision-making skills are honed, enhanced, and developed
  • Students and learners learn how they can be more useful and effective
  • They acquire the confidence and the comfortability that they need to solve problems
  • Students and learners know about services and processes that are valuable from those that aren’t

We Focus on Application and Integration

Part of the reasons why many schools want to work with us is the fact that we don’t just put on all the pressure on the trainers-to-be of the students. As much as we can, we try imparting the knowledge and the skills we have to them.

Maximum Potential prioritizes integration and application over just teaching and training programs – and that’s the reason why our training sessions have yielded the best and the highest-caliber of results.

Best Trainers and Instructors

If you’ve been on the prowl for the best and the most effective Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification company, you’re just on the right page at the right time. Maximum Potential is ready to offer the expertise and the overall skill that we have in the Training and Certification for Lean Six Sigma Green Belt to High School Students.

One of the proofs and the evidence that we have that our services are supreme and the premium is that the Graham Local Schools have trusted us to push on with their Lean Six Sigma Curriculum – we’ve implemented both Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt and Green Belt Training and Certification to their program.

Don’t hesitate to give us a call here at Maximum Potential if you need help in the training and the certification of your high school students for the Yellow and Green Belt Levels. Dial us or send us an email – we will answer. Work with the best, experience world-class quality Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification for High School Students without going out of budget. Contact us now!

Lean Six Sigma for School Districts-Maximum Potential
Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma High Schools, Yellow Belt

Lean Six Sigma for School Districts

In order for high school students to be able to receive the Lean Six Sigma Training in their curriculum, the School Districts need to be trained. Here at Maximum Potential, we offer the most exponentially positive Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification for School Districts – and it’s something that we’re unique for.

Other companies and Lean Six Sigma Consulting and Training Companies offer the same type of training to School Districts – the problem is, they might not be as adept and as informed as high school students and working professionals. We here at Maximum Potential, we offer an overall and comprehensive Lean Six Sigma Training for School Districts.

What is a School District?

In its simplest term, a school district is a specific or a particular area where all schools and learning institutions located there are regulated and moderated by a specific head or authority.

Lean Six Sigma for School Districts

You might be wondering how this looks – to tell you, the School District or Staff Training that we provide is complete and it’s something that they’ll be able to understand and pick up with ease. The process is simple – the participants involved within a School District would work on a problem or a project.

Then, the people who would perform would be the ones to train students in the district – and the others that remain would be continually trained for them to be able to get the material and the strategy on how they can be trainers for High School and Secondary Students.

Training Procedures

In the Training, the team would learn the techniques, tools, and resources that are described and enumerated in both the Yellow and Green Belts. To take note, this training is the same type of training that we use in boarding and teaching people in world-renowned companies – we just make it a bit lighter so that they understand it.

So, it’s a win-win situation for School Districts because a team would be granted a Green Belt Certification after they complete and successfully pass the Lean Six Sigma Projects. Once done, they can then be authorized to train and to certify high school and secondary students too. It’s a simple and straightforward process – and Maximum Potential is the company that you can trust in that.

 Why Work With Us?

We’re the best in the industry and that has been proven not only by local companies and schools – but also international corporations and organizations including The World Bank, P&G, The US Air Force, Anthem, LBrands, and many more.

Aside from that, you don’t need to spend tens of thousands of dollars just for you to work with us. All of the rates and the prices we offer are sensible and reasonable – and you will definitely get the value for the money that you’ll be paying for. We here at Maximum Potential have provided a Return On Investment (ROI) of over 300% in the past three (3) years alone for the Lean Six Sigma for School Districts Projects that we offer.

Staff Training First

The importance of boarding your employees or your staff members FIRST before the students would relate well to the financial aspect of your organization. Not only the teachers and the soon-to-be trainers are the ones who will benefit from it – everyone will!

The entire School District will; the participation of the staff members and the workers would be for the holistic improvement and development of the company. When you work with us here at Maximum Potential, not only will you be able to get extensive and effective Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification, you will also be taught how you can effectively and efficiently apply it to your system.

Our School Districts Training Program for Lean Six Sigma, contrary to popular belief, is just lightweight. It’s not going to consume an entire month for teaching – it’s not even going to consume two (2) weeks. Depending on the capability and the skills of the staff members would be the urgency of when they will get the certification they need to train high school students and secondary students.

Complete With Support

Other Lean Six Sigma Consulting and Training Companies undermine the support and the assistance that they can provide clients – which is wrong. Herewith us at Maximum Potential, we’ll never leave you by yourself; our service comes with the full power of our support team!

Should you find yourself in a situation where you need dire help from an experienced and an eligible Lean Six Sigma Consulting and Training Company, always remember that our team of experts, coaches, and consultants is just one call or email away.

Our name, Maximum Potential, is intended to be like that because we are confident that we will be able to unleash the fullest and the maximum potential of your companies or your organizations through the Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification services that we offer.

Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Career Tech Students

Secondary education has branched out a lot to the extent that there are many different options students and learners can take. After high school, they can proceed to go down the joint vocational path, or they can choose to be in the Career Tech Student path on their own. What’s good about it is that even with the option of education they choose, Lean Six Sigma can be implemented and added to the Curriculum. As a matter of fact, we here at Maximum Potential have already innovated to it – providing an unscathed and an unmatched Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Career Tech Students.

What are Career Tech Students?

Before we dive into that deeper, we first have to let you know how we look at Career Tech Students. From its term alone, you’d already have the hint that Career & Technical Education (Career Tech) Students are the students that chose to focus on the careers they would take up in the future. It’s part of the secondary education and is considered as an important part of a child’s education. The CTE type of education is primarily focused on sixteen (16) different tracks that a certain student can take; these tracks include:

  • Health and Sciences
  • Business
  • Sales
  • Finance
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM)
  • Information Technology (I.T.)
  • Manufacturing
  • Logistics
  • Law
  • Government
  • Agriculture
  • Hospitality
  • Construction
  • HS or Human Services
  • Training
  • Arts

So how can Lean Six Sigma be beneficial to Career Tech Students? Is it really that helpful? – The answer is YES; planting a Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Career Tech Students is actually an important and a useful ingredient to the overall success and determination of a student.


Because CTE is focused on the particular field that a child looks onto, implementing Lean Six Sigma to it can help them improve as early as they’re studying. For instance, in the Health and Sciences area, Lean Six Sigma could be effective in terms of teaching the student how they can properly manage finances, how to lower the rates of defects and errors in hospitals and clinics, and the like.

Let’s take an example in the business industry; say a student is taking up the business career path, by having Lean Six Sigma right on his side, he will be able to learn the basics and the values of waste identification and reduction, as well as the improvement and development of business processes.

One-of-a-kind Curriculum

Maximum Potential is a company that can’t be prouder of the assistance and the guidance we are able to provide people – including secondary students. Through the state-of-the-art Lean Six Sigma Curriculum that we offer Career Tech Students, we are able to give them strategies and skills early on that they’ll be able to apply when they get a job.

Since Lean Six Sigma is a methodology focused primarily on solving problems through analytical data, graphical analysis – and even the history of the company, it would bring a compounding effect to the learning and the skills of the students.

Flexible Learning

As many people are not aware of, Maximum Potential is one of the few Lean Six Sigma Training and Certification companies that offer distance and blended learning. We offer the ever-famous Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt and Green Belt Training and Certification via Zoom so that students would not have to go to a specific place to get and attend training – it’s as easy as that!

In addition to that, the Curriculum that we offer secondary schools and students (including Career Tech Students) are broken down into 45-minute segments. This is for the Curriculum to fit the typical one (1) semester. Based on our data, the technique worked out just fine – it was even better when it transformed to be what it is now. Through the controlled times of students receiving training, all students and learners were able to:

  • Absorb lessons and training sessions better
  • Apply what they’ve learned more effectively and efficiently
  • Get into topics they never expected they’ll be able to learn
  • Hone and enhance their understanding of what Lean Six Sigma is

Contact Us Now!

Are you looking for a Lean Six Sigma Curriculum fit for the Career Tech Students of our generation? Are you a leader of a learning institution and you want your students to be adept and skilled in many different varieties of skills including Lean Six Sigma?

Well, you’re just on the right page at the perfect time! Maximum Potential is offering an advanced and special Curriculum for Career Tech Students in Lean Six Sigma and you will never regret your decision of choosing us – the best and the most trusted accredited Lean Six Sigma Consulting and Training company in the industry!

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