We are aware of how exhausting it is to deal with the operations and areas of your company, but you can’t neglect or ignore the problems much longer. If you’re wondering how do we know you’ve been doing this, the answer is simple: because most companies do the same. At Maximum Potential, we’re professionals in identifying problems since we implement Team Based Problem Solving to help companies to improve their processes.
Therefore, rest assured that we know when one—or you in this case—has been ignoring them for quite some time. Or maybe, you don’t know how to approach them in the correct way, which is completely valid and normal. The method we implement consists of reducing waste in the operations to improve the quality and reduce as well, the resources used so your company can start saving more.
The main objective of all this is to improve your company’s areas and production in general, not only a few parts of it. After all, if you’re able to obtain the final products for your clients faster and of better quality, you will only notice positive changes.
How can you get started?
By contacting us and researching about Lean Six Sigma, which is the main way how the method we implement is known. When looking for information about it, you will find that the methodology focuses on improving the processes where people are involved. The reason behind this is because in those is where you can find more waste and aspects that interfere with them.
Such as overproduction, defects, unused talent, unnecessary actions or functions, and many other aspects that need to disappear as soon as possible. If you were trying to look for a method that aims for the product itself and its improvement, you are probably confused with Lean Manufacturing, which isn’t our specialty. Now, continuing with the method we do control and know about, you must know that the improvements you achieve from this aren’t aiming for something that happens only once.
In simpler words, it aims for a continuous improvement of processes, which comes from the principles that this methodology adopted. Lean is a term in business that refers to offering better services and products to the client while the company uses fewer resources.
And the Kaizen methodology—which you’re probably familiar with—, joins it with the idea of “continuous improvement”.
Are we well-trained and prepared to assist you?
If there’s something you should never doubt about is our experience in this field. We have been providing Lean Six Sigma Consulting Services for over 10 years, and we can assure you that every company we have helped is more than happy with the results.
At the end of the day, when we finish implementing it, you will have better control of your processes and improvements from top to bottom in your company will take place often. If you’re worried that your company isn’t involved with products, which is what this methodology aims for the most, don’t worry.
We also have Systematic Innovation that can help you with the goals you want to.
Dont be shy, Just tell us about yourself and we’ll figure out the best option for you and your project.
Helping organizations and the people who work there reach their full potential.