Do you want to learn all it takes to ensure the improvement of your processes and, as a result, the growth and improvement of the performance of your company overall?
You only have to educate and train yourself in the right topic. At Maximum Potential, we offer Training and Certification in the Lean Six Sigma methodology. Now, we are sure you’re wondering, what is this methodology about. To make it simple, its main goal is to allow companies to improve their processes and production, by reducing or minimizing errors and eliminating all the aspects that make the goal of producing the perfect item for the client more difficult. That took more words to explain than we expected, but we know it is simple to understand in this way.
If you are wondering now why would you want to learn and implement such methodology, the answer is simple: you will be able to reduce the time and resources invested in production. To make this possible, you can access our Lean Six Sigma Training whenever you feel ready or want to start.
What does our training offer?
The Six Sigma roles are divided into very understandable and simple levels. They go from what is known as White Belts to Master Black Belts.
We at Maximum Potential, offer Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt and Green Belt Training, which consist of two levels. For the Yellow, you will access the basic knowledge and training that will allow you to report issues in the processes when implementing the methodology. While being Green Belt, you are going to lead some functions and projects that are involved in the implementation itself.
But in both positions or roles, you still have to report to the Black or Master Black Belt.
Why would you invest your time on this?
Implementing it will guarantee you the possibility of obtaining the final product that meets your client’s requirements without going through many failures. Or, to be more specific, deviate the processes to different results that won’t satisfy the client—this is what we refer to when “failures” are mentioned. To do this, the improvement of the processes will be possible by focusing on them and prioritizing the client’s needs and requirements.
In this way, most aspects and waste that interfere with the production will be eliminated. But what is all this waste?
Defects, overproduction, unnecessary steps or activities, among many other aspects, are included in what we refer to waste.
Is training everything you can get from us?
Our company is always eager to accept new people, entrepreneurs, and even high school students to create a new generation of problem solvers from this methodology. However, we also provide Lean Six Sigma Consulting Services that include support, assistance, and advice to implement it.
We will work close to you and your processes to go through all the phases and steps of Six Sigma. And when doing this, you should only expect the improvements you have been craving for.
If you want to access our Training or Consulting Services, just make sure to give us a call or send an email anytime!
Dont be shy, Just tell us about yourself and we’ll figure out the best option for you and your project.
Helping organizations and the people who work there reach their full potential.