“Why it isn’t working?”. This is a question we get quite often in our company when it comes to businesses trying to improve their processes and performances with a methodology.
To be more specific, by implementing Lean Six Sigma. And the answer we always give them is the same: because they are doing things wrong. If you are not familiar with it, this methodology consists of improving processes by eliminating the aspects and elements that interfere in obtaining the final products that meet all the client’s needs.
People who decide to implement it are usually moved and attracted to the idea since it is a very cost-effective method to achieve the goal of growing and improving. And of course, saving resources and time while producing items for the clients. However, they don’t realize that the implementation takes several steps and involves much more than just identifying problems and finding solutions—and this is difficult already.
If you want to or are about to take the step of start using it, make sure to contact professionals and experts that can help you to go through each phase and understand the whole method perfectly. In our company, Maximum Potential, we have well-trained and qualified experts that will assist and support you in this project. And we assure you that with our help, there won’t be chances of failure.
Where will we start?
The reason why it is a cost-effective method—if we talk about the cost part—is because it is all about using statistics and analysis. You will notice and learn that information is everything when implementing it, and probably the only thing you need when you use it correctly.
That being said, we are going to start by getting all the statistics of your processes and the interaction between you and your clients. In this way—by already implementing Lean Six Sigma—, we will be able to determine the aspects that need to be eliminated and work in finding solutions for the problems affecting everything as well.
From there on, we will take the time to measure, solve, improve, and do everything that is involved in the process.
What instruments are required?
The fact that you can use the information and statistics as your only tools doesn’t mean you can’t use others—either that it isn’t a good idea. Actually, in addition to all this, our company goes for one of the best instruments: Lean Value Stream Mapping. And we find it important to share with you that this can be crucial for the future of the project and goals.
It helps to examine or analyze the flow of information and materials within each process in the production cycle. In this way, it is easier to identify the problems affecting all processes and achieve the goal of providing the client with the final product he or she requires. After all, keep in mind that one of the main principles in this methodology is to always prioritize the client’s requirements, and this only already helps to reduce failures and more.
Get started today
As you can see, it is a long process but it will be worth it when you start noticing the results and improvements right away. Therefore, don’t hesitate to have our experts helping and assisting you.
For this, you only need to call or email us and ask or request our Lean Six Sigma Consulting Services, which are available for any company or particular.
Dont be shy, Just tell us about yourself and we’ll figure out the best option for you and your project.
Helping organizations and the people who work there reach their full potential.