If you are thinking about how you can improve your company’s performance, just focus on improving its processes one by one. But, how can you make this happen?
The secret sometimes isn’t adding new elements or changing many things and elements of your processes but rather removing some. If you don’t believe us, we will start by giving you an idea: draw a map. Take the time to draw a map of the flow of your production and on it, make sure to put every process you go through to fabricate the final product for your client. Then, you will add all the problems or aspects that interfere with them and make each one more difficult—these aspects are usually considered waste.
Once you’re done, make sure to draw a second map but without all the waste and problems interfering in the processes. We are sure you’re able to notice the difference by now. What we just told you to do is considered a Lean Value Stream Mapping and it comes in handy with the Lean Six Sigma methodology we will introduce you.
Why you should know about this method
Lean Six Sigma is everything you need to guarantee the improvement of your processes by doing exactly what we mentioned before: eliminating waste. Of course, there are other elements and actions involved in the whole method, but it comes step by step and they all lead to the same goal.
Now, just make sure that if you are considering its implementation, you will need to hire experts in the field. At Maximum Potential, we have an entire team of experts that implement Team-Based Problem Solving in your company. Or at least, we will help you to do it if you’re just having a hard time doing it correctly.
Going back to the methodology itself, you must know that it is all about solving problems, eliminating—as mentioned before—but also, focusing and prioritizing your client’s needs. In this way, you will obtain the final product much faster due to the reduction in failures and all the waste that is eliminated by aiming in the right direction plus all the actions you will take to deal with the problems.
Is it the best methodology?
Saying it is the best may be going a bit too far. And this applies to any method or technique you decide to implement. However, if there’s something we can tell you about it is that it is definitely effective and affordable for any company, not only those focused on manufacturing and fabricating products.
You don’t have to invest in many tools, extra hands nor other materials. Everything required is in your statistics, data, and information. Besides, having us as your consultants and assistance will guarantee the correct implementation and therefore, the desired results.
Want to get started? You’re welcome to call or email us anytime. We also have other services related to Lead Six Sigma besides Consulting, that we are sure will satisfy more of your needs and interests.
Dont be shy, Just tell us about yourself and we’ll figure out the best option for you and your project.
Helping organizations and the people who work there reach their full potential.