Are you familiar with the term “Lean”? If you are, you must know by now that it is aiming—in the business world—at offering something better to the customer while reducing or using fewer resources in the process. But for this, there’s a long way to go and many different options when you think about improving your company’s processes and performance with this idea.
If you aren’t familiar with it, we just gave you a brief explanation that will be good enough to continue. When you search about Lean, you will find Lean manufacturing and many other options and methods in this practice. However, the one you will use is going to depend on what you’re trying to achieve.
To give you a context, many companies think that Lean Manufacturing and Lean Six Sigma are the same. In the case of the first one, it is focused on optimizing the processes to improve the production and specific aspects like the quantity, machines, and everything that is related to improving the product itself. On the other hand. Six Sigma is focused on improving the product and processes but mostly those that are handled for people or they are more involved than machines. Also, removing and eliminating aspects and elements that interfere with the production cycle is what you will see the most.
Which one is best for your company?
If you’re looking for a methodology that can help you to reduce the time and resources you invest and make sure your client gets the final product it requires, Lean Six Sigma sounds perfect. You will have to work on the improvement of your processes that are carried out for employees or human resources in general and make sure that the client’s requirements are the priority.
That being said, every time you will start using a new method, make sure to hire experts that can assist you or implement it for you. At Maximum Potential, we provide Lean Six Sigma Consulting for you and any company that is thinking about using the methodology.
We will guide you through the whole process and ensure that you’re aiming in the right direction. In this way, you will be able to obtain the desired results and achieve every goal.
It is easy to access our services
In Oregon, we know there are many companies helping owners with the implementation of this method. But make sure that the one you decide to hire can actually fulfill your expectations. Something you must know in advance is that there aren’t bad methodologies but rather people who don’t know how to implement them correctly.
In the case of Lean Six Sigma, you will need information, data, and statistics only, but if you don’t analyze them correctly, you won’t be able to come up with the problems that require solutions. This is why you should contact us if you’re looking for a reliable and trustworthy company that can help you to use it in the right way.
With our assistance and support, you will improve every area of your processes and ensure that all the waste is eliminated. Also, your employees and human resources are more productive so, as a result, your processes are as well. All you have to do is to call or email us. We couldn’t be closer to you nor easier to get.
Dont be shy, Just tell us about yourself and we’ll figure out the best option for you and your project.
Helping organizations and the people who work there reach their full potential.