If you are struggling in finding a way to obtain the perfect final product for your clients without going through so many failures, you’re definitely missing something. Most companies and suppliers have moved on—or starting to—from this problem that affects them especially at the beginning of their operations. But now, you might be wondering, how are they doing it?
By implementing the right methodology. If you are not familiar with it, let us tell you why Lean Six Sigma is something you should have heard about before. Its use or implementation allows companies and suppliers to obtain and fabricate the product that meets all the requirements of the clients. But the difference between just obtaining it with a normal or common methodology and this one is that with Six Sigma, failures and defects will be minimized and reduced.
In simpler words, you will eliminate all the aspects and elements that are making your goal of producing the item more difficult, and as a result, making you spend more resources as well. To start implementing it, you need to have a professional—several ones, actually—that are well-trained in the topic and know everything about it. Our company, Maximum Potential, can provide you with a full team of experts that will help your company improve its operations with Six Sigma.
Why not do it yourself
You should know by now that saying, “I’m going to improve my processes and operations” is way easier than doing it. And when it comes to obtaining this result or achieving this goal while going for the methodology, we are introducing you, isn’t an exception.
The whole objective of using it is to reduce the variability of the processes that will lead you to get the product that satisfies your client while you start reducing the time and resources invested in it. And this is going to be possible by eliminating all the waste that is making the task more difficult while also, looking for solutions to the problems in all the processes involved in the production cycle. Does it sound a bit complicated? It is.
This is why you need to have well-trained and experienced professionals that can go through all the phases of Lean Six Sigma with you and your company to ensure the desired result. In our company, our full-team of experts has every person fulfilling its role. This methodology involves 5 different roles where—of course—each one fulfills a function.
Six Sigma Belts
The classification of the experts and knowledge in the implementation of this method is very similar to karate—belts, and colors. In this case, it goes from White to Master Black Belt. With us, you will access to consultants that can help you according to their level of training and expertise and, of course, your needs.
And when it comes to the whole implementation, all of them will take part in each step of Six Sigma:
If you want to start improving your processes and finally reduce the time of your production cycle while improving the quality of the products and your profit as well, we can start right away. Just make sure to contact us and let us know the current performance of your company. Keep in mind that this method involves only statistics and information, nothing else, and this is exactly what makes it so accurate and perfect when it comes to reducing, improving, and eliminating.
Dont be shy, Just tell us about yourself and we’ll figure out the best option for you and your project.
Helping organizations and the people who work there reach their full potential.