Are you in search of valuable training or guidance of Lean Sigma? Maximum Potential is here with numerous services and offers. Handpicked content is provided. Prepare with the comfort tutorials and range of online courses. We ensure your’ continuous improvements.
Reduce idle expenses and manpower for a surplus of savings. Want to how? Enroll yourself in our packages. We train freshers, employees, and high school students as well. Small improvements can lead your business to the next level. Replace conventional ideas with creative and modern ones. Combine the Lean and Six Sigma strategy to explore more.
Achieve your goals and earn the Belts Certifications. From white to Master Black Belts, Certifications are available for each.
Lean Six Sigma Kaizen
Kaizen is nothing but a Japanese philosophy that garnishes the continual improvements. Functionality can be enhanced in an impressive from manufacturing to marketing. For encouragement, we drive the training sessions.
Don’t let the processes degrade, empower systems using Kaizen with the 6 Sigma strategy. The main motto of Kaizen is to eliminate the waste via standardized steps.
Kaizen has amazing results if implemented appropriately. It let us cover the improvements in quality, cost, management, safety, and delivery.
To generate Kaizen, the triple N theory is to be involved. For clarification Now, Next and New that what stands for: what is the current position, the desired state, and process to reach that state, respectively.
Lean Six Sigma A3
Keep the problem solving organized with Lean Six Sigma A3. You may have heard it as SPS, Systematic Problem Solving. The principles that are followed by A3 is based on the PDCA approach that is Plan, Do Check, Act. The motive is to provide a platform for the problem -solving, to aid in determining the cause.
Working on the background, problem statement, we move to the goal statement. Step by step, the requirements are met.
The root cause analysis, plus the countermeasures adopted to address the necessary changes. Follow-up Plan is checked on a regular basis to confirm the target completion. Discuss with us, and diffuse the problem bomb.
What we can help you achieve
Get ready for the coming year with new strategies and techniques. Maximum Potential offers both Online Self-Paced training and virtual classes too. Learn with the Master Black Belt instructors. Get enrolled today! We have a masterplan to let you succeed in your way.
Contact Maximum Potential for an array of services.
We target your goals with passion. Move with smartness and hold the productivity that boosts your business. Take advantage of online courses and affordable rates.
Let the plans to be executed successfully. Meet the client’s expectations with perfection. We are certified and credible. Contact us for more information.
Dont be shy, Just tell us about yourself and we’ll figure out the best option for you and your project.
Helping organizations and the people who work there reach their full potential.